Extremely Precise Location
California (37°06′25″N 120°50′41″W, Pacific Plate, San Andreas Fault, Basin and Range Province, North American continent, Western Hemisphere, termination shock ~90 AU, heliopause ~120 AU, edge of the Solar System ~1,000 AU, Earth, Solar System, Orion Arm (Galactic longitude ~18.4°, latitude ~-30°, near Perseus Arm ~2 kpc distant), Milky Way Galaxy (~25,640 ly from center, Norma-Sagittarius interspur, Local Spur, Local Interstellar Cloud, Local Bubble, Local Group (3rd closest major galaxy to Milky Way, ~2.5 Mpc, Andromeda Galaxy on collision course ~4 billion years), Virgo Supercluster, Laniakea Supercluster (Shapley Attractor region, ~42 Mpc from Perseus-Pisces Supercluster boundary, gravitational influence of Great Attractor ~220 Mpc), Pisces-Cetus Supercluster Complex), Observable Universe (13.8 billion years old, ongoing expansion, Hubble Parameter approx. 67-74 km/s/Mpc).